In most cases,water damage may be caused by a burst or broken plumbing pipe, a break in a dishwasher hose, or a blockage in the plumbing system. These issues can lead to costly damage to your property. Before filing a water claim it is very important to determine the cause of the damage and to find the appropriate coverage.
During an inspection of your property, the main factors to evaluate and properly document are all instances of damage caused by water as your insurance company may overlook a lot of details.
Hail and windstorm related damage is a very specific type of loss. Missing shingles or damaged siding can be just the tip of the iceberg. When your roof or exterior siding walls are exposed to the elements, it may lead to more severe damage caused by water intrusion. Our trained professionals will inspect your roof in order to determine the extent of the damage.If needed, our emergency service crew will protect your roof and exterior walls prior to insurance inspection.
Mold needs certain conditions before it can begin to grow: Humidity, Leaking Pipes, Roof Leaks, Condensation, Poor Ventilation, Wet Clothes, Flooding, a Damp Basement, and Water at the Property Foundation level. Excessive mold exposure leads to health risks as identified by the Environmental Protection Agency and can range from allergic reactions, asthma or even worse.
Progressive Adjustments have the best resources to conduct a proper indoor air quality analysis and provides proven mold remediation applications that can safely and effectively treat all problem areas.
Fire loss is by far the most devastating type of damage you can ever suffer. Depending on the extent of the damages, notonly can you lose your personal belongings, but it also may be necessary for you to relocate and find a new place to live for some time. We will make sure this unfortunate transition goes as smoothly as possible. We will help to secure your property, find a temporary home away from home, prepare an estimate and inventory of damaged goods, and most importantly coordinate the workflow between the contractor and the insurance company so they restore your home in a timely manner.
A burglary or home invasion results in both difficult and stressful feelings for property owners or renters, regardless of what was taken or damaged. At Progressive Adjustments, we will help you file a claim and any supplemental claims to help recover the total costs of everything that has been broken, damaged or stolen from any home invasion, burglary or vandalism. We will help you properly prepare and submit all necessary documentation that proves your ownership of stolen or damaged items. Our professionals will examine and explain your policy coverage before filling an insurance claim.
Packing up to 100 million volts of electricity, a bolt of lightning has the power to rip through roofs, destroy brick/concrete walls and ignite deadly fires. When such an event occurs, damage to machinery, equipment, electronics and building systems may not be evident to a property or business owner. Progressive Adjustments will provide you with a group of specialists to uncover and evaluate all damages, provide your insurer with detailed reports and settle your claim for a reasonable amount.
Business interruption / Loss of use
Following a fire, water damage or any other type of loss, your business may suffer significantly. Not being able to operate your business may result in a loss of income. We will make sure that it will not affect your well-being by helping you to get back on track.
Loss of use also referred as “Additional Living Expense” – “ALE”
A fire or any other catastrophic event can force you to leave your property until the damage can be repaired. It is important to read the loss of use provisions carefully prior to filing a claim. While the insurer must reimburse you for any increased expenses you incur to maintain your standard of living, there are restrictions on the type of expenses that are reimbursable so it is a good idea to get to know your coverage or ask for professional advice. In order to get fair compensation it is important to be well prepared and hire a specialist to represent your claim. At Progressive Adjustments we take a personal approach to each individual claim as we understand that your life style is very important to you.
A sinkhole may compromise the integrity of your entire household. It is not as common as other types of claims. At the same time however,it is very hard, if not impossible, in some cases to prevent it. If you ever notice any physical signsin your home such as cracks to exterior walls or the foundation, stiff doors or jammed windows contact us immediately so our specialists can assess the circumstances behind these alerting events.